What You Should Know About Shipping Emulsifiers in Bulk Tankers

Posted on August 22, 2024 by Connor Smith

Emulsifiers are a versatile substance used across various industries. It can be used as a binding agent when combined with materials such as coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and vegetable shortening. When blended, a smooth, consistent texture develops, which plays a crucial role in the production of cosmetics including shampoos, conditioners, baby soaps, deodorants, and lotions.

However, shipping any form of emulsifier in liquid bulk form presents unique challenges that require careful consideration and expertise. Some emulsifiers can be temperature sensitive while others are not. The potential need for specialized handling based on what application it will be going into makes it essential to partner with a bulk freight 3PL that understands the intricacies involved. In this article, we will examine additional information pertaining to the bulk transport of this product.


Temperature Sensitivity: A Key Consideration

bulk-liquid-emulsifier-smallThere are some emulsifiers that are temperature sensitive, requiring special attention especially in colder months. During the initial loading phase, the material will be susceptible to a drop in temperature due to the difference between the actual temperature of the material in the storage tank and the ambient temperature of the interior tank during the loading process. This drop in temperature will need to be recorded and monitored in route.

Depending on the specific requirements of the end customer, the minimum delivery temperature may vary. For instance, if a customer requires a minimum delivery temperature of 180°F, the product must be loaded at a temperature higher to account for any heat loss during transit, especially in colder weather.

Takeaway: When shipping emulsifiers that are temperature sensitive, ensuring that the product is loaded at a temperature that exceeds the minimum delivery temp required is imperative. By loading the product between 15 to 20 degrees above the minimum delivery temperature needed, there is now a buffer to allow for the drop in temperature during loading. This assists in maintaining the temperature above the required delivery mark and avoiding the risk of product temperature dropping too far during transport.


The Importance of Tank Selection and Preparation

The selection and preparation of the tank used to transport food grade emulsifiers are critical to maintaining the product's quality. Depending on the customer’s requirements, the tank may need to be kosher-certified or food-grade prepped, and potentially prepared with a specific type of wash to prevent contamination.

  • Food-Grade and Kosher Requirements: Emulsifiers destined for food or cosmetic applications may need to be transported in tanks that are Kosher certified or, have undergone a food-grade or Kosher prep based on customer’s parameters. These tank washes ensure that the tank is cleaned thoroughly and is free from any residue that could compromise the purity and safety of the product.
  • Tank Preparation: Before arrival to load, the tank wash must give the driver a completed copy of the wash out certificate which will show that the tank was cleaned and inspected.


Managing Temperature During Transit: In-Transit Heat and Steaming

Maintaining the correct temperature during transit is vital for ensuring that temp-sensitive emulsifiers remain in a flowable state. There are a few key strategies that can be employed:

  • In-Transit Heat: These systems involve the utilization of the truck’s power running coolant through steam coil lines along the sides of the tank to minimize heat loss during the journey. However, it’s important to note that not all tanks have this type of capability, and that these systems are generally effective only for maintaining, not increasing, the temperature. They are typically limited to materials with a required unloading temperature of 150°F or below.
  • Steaming: Steaming may be necessary to bring the product up to the required temperature before unloading if the material has dropped near the minimum temp needed and the driver is still a distance away. Steaming involves connecting the tanker’s external steam line at a wash station or other facility that is providing the steam, to heat the material up to the desired temperature needed for unloading.

Takeaway: It’s essential to plan for steaming especially if there’s a risk for the material to drop below the required temperature during transit. This step can help ensure a smooth unloading process and maintain the product’s quality.


Planning for Success: The Role of a Specialized Bulk Freight 3PL

Given the complexities involved in shipping emulsifiers via bulk, partnering with a bulk freight 3PL that specializes in temperature-sensitive bulk liquids is crucial. A provider with experience in handling viscous liquids will understand the importance of temperature control, proper tank selection, and the need for specialized washes.

At Bulk Connection, we bring decades of experience in managing the transport of sensitive bulk liquids. Our team understands the nuances of shipping emulsifiers and other food-grade and temperature-sensitive products, ensuring that your shipment is handled with the utmost care from start to finish.

We work closely with our clients to develop a tailored shipping plan that addresses all the critical factors, from initial loading temperatures to in-transit heat and steaming requirements. By focusing on precise temperature control and deploying the right equipment and strategies, we ensure that your product arrives at its destination in optimal condition with its quality intact.

To learn more about our bulk freight capabilities and how we can support your shipping needs, contact us today.

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This entry was posted in Bulk Transportation, Liquid Bulk Transport, food-grade bulk transport by Connor Smith