Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, dry bulk carrier capacity concerns centered on the driver shortage. While those concerns were still very real heading into this year, the current pandemic brought a new set of capacity challenges to the industry. In this
Continue ReadingThe transportation industry is always eventful, and 2019 was no exception. As the driver shortage continues and freight capacity fluctuates, we try to keep our readers abreast of the industry issues affecting bulk transportation. In this post, we look
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Removing the Headaches from Finding Tank Wash Facilities
Here at Bulk Connection, we’re not doctors – we’re bulk freight specialists. This hasn’t stopped us, however, from developing a cure for a very common bulk-freight-industry headache: finding the right tank wash facilities for your operation. This cure
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Find a Tanker Washout with New Bulk Connection Finder Tool
Tank washes are a necessary part of life for us in the bulk freight industry. They can also be a very frustrating one. Locating a tank wash isn’t always quick and easy – and locating one that has the services and amenities you require can be even more
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Becoming a “shipper of choice” is something we talk about quite a bit here on the Bulk Logistics blog. The term represents a sea change in the way that shippers must now view their operations in order to secure capacity from carriers in a strained
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Is capacity tight? Are rates still high or have they come back down to earth? Is rail operating as normal or is it playing catch up after the winter? As we head into spring, we’d like to share what we’ve learned about the bulk transportation industry in
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Look to ISO 9001 Certification to Distinguish Top Freight Brokers
If you’re looking to ship bulk freight, brokers can be an invaluable asset to your operation. Instead of sourcing capacity among carriers one-by-one, a bulk freight broker enables you to match your load with a broad network of bulk carriers – all with
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Q1 2019 Shipper Update
We're not newsletter people. We're freight people.
Liquid and dry bulk freight, to be specific.
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“Happy Holidays to you and yours – and good luck being a shipper of choice again next year!”
While this may seem like an odd way to greet your fellow shippers this holiday season, it’s just as appropriate as it was a year ago. Because, while the capacity
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If you’re having difficulty finding tanker trucks, you’re not alone. The scarcity of available trucks is an industry-wide issue that has only increased in severity with the recent ELD mandate. The loads are there, but the trucks aren’t.
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