Chemical transportation in bulk tanks and trailers is a different world from dry van and other types of truck transport. There are a host of regulations as well as product and equipment concerns that need to be navigated for product to move safely and
Continue ReadingPneumatic trucking is a specialized method of transporting dry bulk materials such sand, flour, and plastic pellets. This process involves using enclosed tank trailers with a built-in system for loading and unloading materials through air pressure. It is
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From phones to trash cans to soda bottles, all sorts of everyday items start out as plastic pellets transported in pneumatic trailers. These pellets, also known as resin or nurdles, are foundational materials for countless products and industries. In
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Bulk Powder Transport: Tips for Partnering with a 3PL Trucking Provider
From the foundation of your house to the ingredients in the foods you eat, many of the items you encounter every day started out in powder form. And many of those powders were shipped over the road using dry bulk trailers and equipment, such as those
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Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for chemical products: What shippers need to know
When a bulk chemical transport provider is contacted to transport a chemical product, the first thing the provider will ask for is the chemical’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS; formerly MSDS or Material Safety Data Sheet). The information included on the SDS is
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Nearly every product that we use on a daily basis started out in dry bulk form inside a pneumatic trailer. These materials need to be transported in raw form before being manufactured into bigger and better things. In this article, we’ll take a closer
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Of the many elements that make dry and liquid bulk transportation a whole different animal from regular old dry-van transport, perhaps none creates more of a headache for both shippers and carriers than the truck tank wash. It is a necessary evil that
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Dry Bulk Shipping 101
Right now, you’re probably surrounded by items made of plastic—phones, pens, eyeglasses, yogurt cups, you name it. Practically every ounce of that plastic started as a load of resin pellets or powder transported on a bulk trailer. Many other dry bulk
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Many of the products you’re currently surrounded by began their existence in bulk liquid, powder, or pellet form. As such, they were transported on bulk tankers or trailers. This article serves as a primer on bulk trucking: the equipment, processes and
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Right now, you’re probably surrounded by items made of plastic—phones, pens, eyeglasses, yogurt cups, you name it. Practically every ounce of that plastic started as a load of resin pellets or powder transported in dry bulk trailers.
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