Looking back, 2018 was certainly a hectic year in the trucking industry. We had the trucking shortage (“had” may be a bit too optimistic), the frenzy around the ELD mandate, and tales of driverless trucks hitting the nation’s highways. But, away from the
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“Happy Holidays to you and yours – and good luck being a shipper of choice again next year!”
While this may seem like an odd way to greet your fellow shippers this holiday season, it’s just as appropriate as it was a year ago. Because, while the capacity
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Look around you. Chances are that much of what you see – from the paint on the wall to the adhesive under your carpet – began inside a liquid bulk tank. In our previous article, we introduced you to these tanks along with some of the other equipment
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Hauling dry bulk freight is a specialty that requires knowledge and careful execution – particularly during the loading and unloading stage. Make a mistake and you could be looking at major financial losses if loads become tainted. But what exactly is
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In our previous blog post, we introduced our new Dry Bulk Freight 101eBook with a look at dry bulk equipment. In this article, we’ll look at what’s included in the second part of that eBook – the processes involved in dry bulk trucking.
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Opportunities Exist for Freight Broker Agents in Lean Capacity Times
To say that people within the transportation industry were pessimistic as 2017 rolled over into 2018 would be an understatement. The driver shortage, extremely tight capacity, and enforcement of the ELD mandate are just a few of the items that darkened
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Have you retired from a sales or operations job in trucking and freight management, or do you plan to retire soon? Becoming a freight sales agent is an excellent way to stay connected to the industry while earning extra income.
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