If you’ve spent any amount of time within the bulk trucking industry, chances are you’ve built relationships with folks that ship liquid and dry bulk products and need capacity. As a bulk freight broker agent, you can provide that capacity to your
Continue ReadingHeading into the home stretch of 2022, conditions in the bulk trucking industry remain largely unchanged since the beginning of the year. Capacity is still a concern, and the truck driver shortage continues to loom large. In this article, we’ll break
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In a rare piece of good news these days, an agreement was reached late last week that prevented – at least for now – a potential nationwide strike of railroad workers. But the fact that such a rail stoppage was a real possibility has shippers considering
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Higher trucking costs are even higher for bulk trucking companies
If you’ve hired a truck in the past year, the latest report from the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) will come as no surprise to you. In its 2022 Operational Cost of Trucking report, the ATRI revealed that the cost of trucking increased
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Many of the products you’re currently surrounded by began their existence in bulk liquid, powder, or pellet form. As such, they were transported on bulk tankers or trailers. This article serves as a primer on bulk trucking: the equipment, processes and
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Bulk Freight Roundup: Q2 2022
As we’ve reached the midway point of 2022, not a lot has changed in the bulk freight industry in terms of capacity from the first quarter or from 2021 as a whole. In this update, we’ll share what we’re currently seeing in the bulk freight marketplace,
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In the world of bulk transportation, tank truck washes can be a frustrating requirement, that eats up driver Hours of Service and ties up equipment. To OSHA, however, these washes aren’t just frustrating, they’re potentially deadly. A recent article in
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How ISO-9001 certification for logistics companies affects your freight?
If you’re looking for the safest way to choose a logistics provider, finding one with ISO-9001 certification is about as safe as it gets. ISO-9001, the most common standard in the logistics industry, is the quality management standard from the
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Getting to Know Bulk Connection: Customer Service Representative
In our ongoing feature, we will periodically profile the men and women who make Bulk Connection a trusted freight partner. In this article, Kate Henry, Customer Service Representative (CSR), talks about her role at Bulk Connection and what it’s like in
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2022 Bulk Trucking Outlook
A new year is a new start, right? That’s at least what supply chain professionals across the country are hoping as we look to get past the bottlenecks and disruptions that characterized 2022. In this article, we’ll look at the bulk industry and what we,
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